Sunday 3 July 2016

Specific Assignment

Each investment contract is tied directly to a specific ward bed, similar to a property title deed.

Its location and ward bed number is permanently assigned.

It is in every interest for both the home and the investor to keep the ward bed rented.

Priority is always given to an invested ward bed to be rented out first. That way, the home not only get continuous and consistently good reviews from the investors,  it will also ensure that there is no breach of fiduciary duty of the home in trying to keep the ward bed persistently rented.

Over time, some ward beds simply become non-rentable or tenable. When that happens, investors of these ward beds may choose to change their ward beds to better tenable ones.

An administrative fee of 25% of the preceding investment or the forward investment (whichever is higher) would be levied. Once this fee is paid, the home must allow the investor to change to a new ward bed.

Sometimes, the investor simply wants to invest / change to another newer ward bed. Similar term as above applies. The payment of an administrative fee of 25% would be sufficient compensation to the home and the home must allow change made to the physical location of the ward bed.

As part of the ongoing improvement to the home and ward, the  physical arrangement of the ward bed may be changed and the investor might not like the new physical arrangement, the investor is then allowed a one-time change to another similar bed in the same ward class at no fee. If no such ward bed is found, the investor should accept the new physical arrangement. Under no circumstance that the home aims to be biased toward any individual investor as it is the goodwill of the home that is at stake. It is in fact the one and only aim of the home that the investor would one day choose to be a client of the home, enjoying all the benefits of prior knowledge and determination.

In the event that investor wanted totally out, then the terms in the divesting policy will apply.

In dealing with this change, it is recommended that both the home and the investor should adopt a reasonable attitude towards resolving a change program, bearing in mind that it is always for the betterment in the comfort of the newly renovated home.   

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